I started with some basic trades in the stock market back in the summer of 2020 when it seemed like trading stocks was the most amazing thing on the planet. Then I received a crash course in what happens when you start playing in the big game without any idea what youโ€™re doing. ๐Ÿค•

After many painful lessons, I began to treat the market like every other difficult thing in my IT career: learn whatโ€™s happening underneath and make better choices.

A friend told me about a podcast that he thought would help. As I listened to the Theta Gang podcast, I heard someone a lot like me. Someone who is willing to tinker. Someone who is willing to take some chances. And someone who wants to use their tragedies and triumphs to help others.

I joined the Theta Gang via Patreon and found myself in a community of traders who arenโ€™t looking for home runs or chasing easy gains. They want a steady stream of base hits in the stock market so they can send their kids to college, build their retirement, and support the charities that mean a lot to them.

This is my way of giving back.

Sure, Iโ€™m going to share some of my stock market research and ideas here and you can use those to make trades if you want. Hopefully I can teach more people how to fish for themselves rather than take stock tips from others. One of my favorite quotes from Reminisces of a Stock Operator is this one:

"No, sir, nobody can make big money on what someone else tells him to do."